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Caro, renewed until 2017


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  • Caro, renewed until 2017

    The Real Betis this evening announced the renewal of the central José Antonio Caro until June 2017. The footballer born in Estepa their relationship ended in June but had a clause that would automatically renew , but the parties decided to negotiate and the center will verdiblanco 2017. The news comes 24 hours after confirmation that his injury in Elche was less severe than expected.

    Caro showed very happy told Betis official website: "I've been here seven years, and be able to translate this firm is one of the greatest dreams of the world. Also, this comes to me after the injury is a very important moral injection and gives me strength to recover soon. " And is that the player had a strong sprained ligaments in Elche which has slowed its progression in the first team until the end of the campaign. " This renovation is the result of work of many years ago . Games as the first leg of the derby is the result of the confidence that they are giving me, "continued Caro, who valued the continuity of his other housemates:" The more homegrown players in the first team is much better. All my life I've been waiting for this moment since I was small. "

    The renovation is part of Caro agreements reached in recent times the club with young players who can star in his future, as in the case of Carlos Garcia, Marco Rosa and Dani Ceballos , who have been involved with the first team in training Recent.

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